safer, greener future


Envicode is a forward-thinnking digital marketing and software solutions company based in the heart of Kampala, Uganda. We believe in Peter Drucker's formula for success in business: Innovation+Marketing (less costs) = profit. To stay competitive in this fast paced era, every business, big or small must have, first, an online marketing strategy, a sound highly efficient website which forms the core of your online marketing strategy.

Two, for your business to survive and thrive in the 21st century , you need to streamline your operations using technology to ensure swift internal and external operations, thus increasing productivity, save time and money, and profitability.

At Envicode, we build high performance websites, user-centric apps, social media marketing, video content that captivates the audience and software tools that will help you grow and scale. We offer Free full support and consultancy for our clients and our business model is designed to unlock the full potential of your business, thus empowering your journey into the future.


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info@envicode.com / info.envicode@gmail.com

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